Education, Compass
Empower your tech journey by learning more about ethical design practices, inclusive UX, and accessibility mastery.
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We know it's hard to get from point A to point B in tech so, like a compass, we guide you through uncharted waters; equipping you with the superpowers to uncover your strengths, conquer obstacles,
and turn dreams into reality.

Dive into our comprehensive curriculum designed to elevate your understanding of ethical technology.




Continuing Education

We Are Teaching Humans
How To Create Moral Technology

We’re here to guide you on a thought-transforming journey that paves the way for immediate breakthroughs and sustained excellence. 

To promote a Moral tech ecosystem that will drive us towards a reliable, equitable, and innovative future.

To advance ethical technology by establishing a framework that reflects the shared and diverse experiences of humanity.

To support innovation through culturally competent teams, processes, and technology.


Programs For Companies

Imagine education tailored to your organization's needs. Our master facilitators and faculty partners bring the magic, delivering programs that empower you to spot strengths, conquer challenges, and reach those oh-so-satisfying goals. The results? They're not just ordinary; they're like fireworks on New Year's Eve—immediate and with a lasting sparkle that'll make your business shine for years to come!

Culturally Inclusive Design Thinking | Experience Transformation For The Enterprise | Ethical AI Practice | Public Health Information Technology | Moral Design & Development

Programs For Individuals

[Coming Fall 24']

Picture a learning journey designed just for you, like a roadmap to success, crafted with care. Our master facilitators are your guides on this adventure. Together, we'll equip you with the tools to uncover your strengths, conquer challenges, and make your goals a reality. The impact? It's not just a momentary win; it's a lasting transformation that'll stay with you, propelling you forward on your path to greatness.

Design Thinking Certification | Inclusive Design For The Enterprise Certification | Multimedia Graphics | Multimedia Graphics | Ethical AI Practice | Public Health Information Technology | Digital Marketing | Moral Design & Development

We're Trusted By Some Of The World's Most Innovative Companies

Here are a few of the amazing companies we have worked with to create Ethical Technology and User Experiences.
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass
Education, Compass

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions For Companies

We can empower your employees with targeted skill development, enhancing their performance and productivity. It’s an investment in continuous learning that will contribute to your company’s growth and success.

Absolutely! Our program is highly adaptable. We’ll work closely with you to understand your organization’s requirements and design a learning path that addresses your unique challenges and goals.

Your employees will have access to a team of master facilitators and faculty partners who will provide personalized guidance, answer questions, and ensure a smooth learning experience from start to finish.

Yes, definitely! We provide regular progress reports and assessments to help you keep track of your employees’ development and measure the impact of the program on their performance.

Getting started is easy! Reach out to our dedicated team, and we’ll schedule a consultation to understand your company’s needs. From there, we’ll collaborate to create a customized learning strategy that aligns with your objectives.

Questions For Individuals

Our personalized learning program is a tailor-made educational experience designed to cater to your unique learning preferences, goals, and pace. It’s like having a personal guide on your journey to acquiring new skills and knowledge.

Getting started is a breeze! Simply sign up for the program on our website, and you’ll be guided through an initial assessment to understand your learning style and objectives. From there, we’ll create a customized learning plan just for you.

You’ll be learning from a team of expert facilitators and faculty partners who specialize in various fields. They are dedicated to providing you with guidance, support, and insights throughout your learning journey.

The results will be remarkable! You can expect to gain a deep understanding of your chosen subjects, improved skills, and the confidence to apply your newfound knowledge in real-world situations.

Absolutely! Our program is all about your preferences. You can select the subjects or topics that pique your interest, and we’ll craft a curriculum that aligns with your choices.

We offer flexible payment options, including one-time payments and installment plans. Our team will work with you to find a solution that best fits your organization’s financial preferences.

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